Equipping the pastors and teachers of Liberia for His glory.


Our History

CMRC was launched in 2003 with the revelation that God’s method of expansion of His Kingdom upon this earth was by multiplication. Everything that God makes which is alive and not dead, healthy and not sick, vibrant and not too old; will reproduce.

Our Mission

The Church Multiplication Resource Center (CMRC) is called to be a partner in the call to multiply churches for the Kingdom of God. The Flagship Churches, which are the home churches of the evangelists, shall be considered the spiritual arm of the effort and the CMRC shall be considered the resource arm.


Our Methodology

CMRC, INC. Is a registered 501C3 US corporation. This corporation consists of a volunteer board of directors. No US salaries are paid so that all funds go directly to ministry work, primarily in Liberia Africa.


Our Vision

The vision for CMRC is to plant fifty churches in the next 10 years. This vision is in obedience to the command in Scripture to tell the people everywhere about Jesus. Our sphere of influence should begin at our “Jerusalem” which is our local community and then extend to our “Judea” which would be defined as our surrounding communities which are of like culture. Eventually we are to move to our “Samaria”, which is people of different culture which live in our local communities, and then to the world.


But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8



Feel free to contact us with any questions.
