The History of CMRC, Inc.

CMRC was launched in 2003 with the revelation that God’s method of expansion of His Kingdom upon this earth was by multiplication. Everything that God makes which is alive and not dead, healthy and not sick, vibrant and not too old; will reproduce.

At the beginning of recorded time, God gave to mankind the principle of multiplication, when He declared, “So God made man like his Maker. Like God did God make man; Man and woman did he make them. And God blessed them and told them, multiply and fill the earth and subdue it; you are masters of the fish and birds and all the animals.” This declaration is a mandate rather than a suggestion.

We concluded that this multiplication mandate included the Church. Thus, the name, Church Multiplication Resource Center. Since Church growth was beset by the boundaries of many denominations and divisions there was an advantage to establishing a resource center that would transcend the boundaries of those many organizations. The Church is one.

In 1990 C, Peter Wagner said, “The single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches.” This is true because new churches make disciples more proficiently than established churches (Matthew 28:16-20). They do this because churches which plant churches need disciples to carry out the multiplication mandate: churches which do not plant more churches might be pleased when a disciple is made, but they do not need them to survive.

In 2003 a prayer was uttered by the leadership of CMRC: “Lord let us work where you are working. Show us where your Spirit would have us apply our energy, our time, our faith and our resources.” We suspected that it would be among the poor and the disadvantaged. Within 2 weeks a refugee by the name Matthew Sakuh showed up on the doorsteps of Life Community Church requesting resource help to plant churches in Liberia Africa. CMRC answered that call.